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The printformer template includes containers that are filled using a feed (for example, products). In this process, a pre-defined or automatically selected article template, including placeholders (DataKeys), is inserted into the container. The assignment of text snippets or images for the individual placeholders is done through a table (CSV file)


Screencast Feed einrichten und Medienquelle erstellen

Tutorial Feed erstellen


For a feed, a template with containers and at least one article template is required.



First, a feed mapping (Publish > Product Feeds > Mapping) is added. Here, it's determined how the individual products will be displayed in the Products menu of the editor's sidebar.

Initially, a name is assigned to the feed.

Editor Display

Under Assignment, keys are added and assigned the desired value. The keys are predefined and determine the image and text(s) that should be displayed for the individual products in the editor's sidebar, see screenshot: 1 = title; 2 = subtitle; 3 = shortDescription; 4 = discountPrice; 5 = Price; 6 = image Under Value, text and/or placeholders (which will be filled with the contents of the CSV) can be inserted. The DataKeys (or column names of the CSV) for the placeholders must be inserted in the following format: ${pf-ca-DataKey}.

For the "images" key, only the column name from the CSV should be entered as the value, received without ${...}

A key can also be assigned multiple data keys from the CSV, which should then be provided separated by commas.

Search options

By default, the editor has a search field in the product menu where searches can be performed based on item number, name, and product identifier. If no adjustments are made, this search field will only search for exact matches in the keys: title, subtitle, and shortDescription.

Additionally, you can add further search options: these will create additional search fields in the editor (Screenshot 7 and 8) where comma-separated terms can be entered for searching. Each search field always incorporates the data from a column in the CSV. If a more comprehensive search (9) is needed, an additional column must be created in the CSV file to consolidate all content from the previous columns:


Through the feed settings, the default search can be hidden, allowing only the search fields created in the mapping to be visible in the editor.

The search type can be distinguished between Fuzzy and Exact: Fuzzy performs a wildcard search for the search term, while Exact looks for only the exact term (for example, searching by item number).

If nothing is specified, the search field in the editor will only search for exact matches in the keys: title, subtitle, and shortDescription (default behavior).


Feed setup

To set up the feed (Publish > Product Feeds > Overview > Add Feed), you'll enter the name, type, and optionally, the clients.


General configuration

In addition to specifying the delimiter (for example, ;), you'll need to fill in the "Header Offset" field (indicating the row where headers are located, typically the first row indicated as 0). Using checkboxes, you can determine whether HTML should be interpreted or removed, and whether changes to local products should be updated across drafts.

The behavior when replicating a draft can be chosen by selecting the "Replicate Feed" checkbox. This determines whether the feed should also be copied when replicating a draft (an existing draft used as a template). If this checkbox is enabled, any updates made to the original CSV file in the original feed won't be considered in the new project.

Additionally, the designation given to the identifier attribute in the CSV file (as in the example below, "Id") needs to be specified

Due to technical reasons, "id" cannot be used as a column title

The values in this column used for identification must be unique and distinct (for instance, item numbers).

Through the Badge Icon upload field, an SVG file can be uploaded to serve as a distinctive element for specific products in the editor (Sidebar Tab Products/Placed Products, see screenshot below). Within the SVG file, a column named "premium" can be inserted. If this field is populated for a product (for example, with "yes"), the icon will be displayed. (Empty field = no display).

Additionally, through search and sorting, there's the option to display products (with or without search filters) alphabetically, by relevance, or according to the order of the CSV file.


The "Delete data before import" checkbox must be activated if, during the replacement of the CSV file (for example, during an update) for the feed, the existing records in the feed should be deleted or replaced, or if polling (Type FTP/sFTP; URL) is activated

Type local


Here, you'll start by uploading a CSV file that contains all the information, such as the identifier, product name, filename, and content.

The checkbox "Transfer changes to the feed" allows you to determine whether the feed stored in the system should be overwritten. All adjustments made in the editor will be applied to new drafts created using this feed.


An example CSV-file shown as a table.

Type URL


Here, you'll enter the desired URL (link to the CSV, for example,

If this configuration is used, it's important to note that the URL must be accessible and retrievable multiple times.



The FTP/SFTP type operates on the same principle as the URL. You enter the filename of the CSV and provide details for automatic import, along with the FTP/SFTP settings (credentials and directory path on the FTP server).

Automatic Import

If the polling checkbox is activated, the data for the feed (FTP/SFTP or URL type) will be automatically retrieved once daily at the specified interval. The interval field uses a Cron expression and only accepts Cron inputs. The default is 0 1 * * *, equivalent to every day at 1 AM.


To ensure that the old feed not only expands but also potentially deletes records no longer present, the "Delete data before import" must be enabled.


Under Mapping, the previously created Feed Mapping is assigned.



If the feed accesses media, you'll activate the checkbox here and select the desired provider.


When you save, the data is sent to the Feedcon. Under Log, you can review the responses from the Feedcon. If it says "success," the feed was created successfully; otherwise, an error message will appear.


General Settings


Further settings for the Product Feed are available under the general Settings > Page Planning. These can be set across the system or across tenants or individually within the template configuration:




Product search

Display of the default search field


Add product

In the editor, a new product can be created; the content is entered using form fields


Template DataKeys can be used to change the label in the formeditor or to hide the DataKey completely.

Compare product with original data

If adjustments are made to the content of a product either in the editor (via "Edit Product") or in the feed, it will be flagged in the "Placed Products" view. Clicking on the arrow symbol opens the form editor, highlighting the fields with modified content (active arrows). Hovering over them will display the original content.


Show separately placed products

In the Products menu, only the products already placed in the editor are displayed. A slider can also limit the display to the current page


Edit product

Overwriting the content from the feed, where the content is entered using form fields


Fill page automatically

Through the "Place Selection" button, all containers on a page can be automatically filled. The desired items can be filtered through search, for example, using item numbers. Contents are placed successively in a container until it's full, then the next container is filled. This process continues until all containers on the page are full, which may result in products within a template being placed twice


Import product csv

The option to upload a new feed CSV file within the editor


Refresh product images

A specific feature, in combination with Crossmedia, allows for the re-importation of all images from the feed via this button. The image references of the products are deleted and rewritten, necessary for instance when image files in Crossmedia have been updated.


Product content exchange

By activating this menu in the sidebar (Start), container contents can be moved via drag and drop. When a container's content is replaced, it's copied to the clipboard and can then be pasted into another (previously activated by click) container in the sidebar using the plus symbol next to the preview. Rearranging contents is also possible.

I + Screencast

Update local copies

All content adjustments made in the feed are updated across all products.


Badge Icon

The designation element for certain products is defined through the CSV file and the feed configuration.




Some of the general settings can also be defined specifically for a (master) template. Additionally, a feed can be directly defined: Template > Editor > Page Planning > Choose "Always create a page planning" and enter the desired feed:


The indicated feed will automatically load every time the template is opened but can be overridden upon opening or via API.

Alternatively, when opening the template from the admin, the checkbox "Create page planning" is activated:


Under Feed, the desired pre-created feed is selected. Optionally, a Project ID, code, or name can be entered.

Define mandatory products

Using identifiers from the feed's CSV file, you can specify which products must be placed in a draft: Mandatory feed item identifiers, as seen in the screenshot above. (Via API or upon opening from the admin) Missing mandatory products can be defined as a warning or an error through the editor settings: Warnings and validations settings: Errors for missing mandatory feed item identifiers.

Feed type Local: Download or replace the feed file.

Through the Feed menu, you can download the CSV file by clicking on the "Download file" button in the respective feed.

Only the most recently uploaded file is always pulled into the backend. If adjustments are made to the feed via the editor, these changes are only contained within the feed file in the database, not within the admin area.


After revising the CSV file, it can be re-uploaded in the configuration, and the feed can be saved.

To ensure that the old feed doesn't just expand but potentially deletes records no longer present in the system, enabling "Delete data before import" is necessary.


In existing drafts, items that have already been placed won't be updated. Only the records that haven't been used yet will be adjusted by the new feed file.

Filter products through search and place them automatically

Through the "Automatically fill page" feature (which can be activated via the general Settings > Page Planning), products no longer need to be individually dragged into containers.

Once this feature is activated, a button called "Place Selection" appears in the Editor. Using the search function, desired products can be filtered. It's helpful to create corresponding search fields through Feed Mapping beforehand, such as a search field for the column "Article Name" in the CSV file. In the Editor, all desired articles can be entered (confirmed with Enter), and upon clicking the "Place Selection" button, they will automatically be placed into the available containers.


* The printformer can interpret various tags, attributes, and values. Examples:

supported tags
h1 - h5

### supported css attributes and values

#### on any supported tag
    - font-family
        - postscript or family name of an available font
    - font-weight
        - bold
    - font-style
        - italic
    - text-decoration
        - underline
        - line-through
    - text-transform
        - uppercase
    - font-size
        - values in px/pt (px get converted)
    - text-align
        - left
        - center
        - right
    - color
        - hex notation: \#ffffff
        - rgb notation: rgb(x, x, x)
        - cmyk notation cmyk(x, x, x, x)
        - color names [available color names](
#### only on ul / ol
    - list-style-type
        - lower-alpha
        - circle
        - square
        - or any single ascii char (unicode characters will follow soon)

### supported attributes
#### html
    - ..
#### data
    - data-leading
        - values in px/pt (px get converted)
    - data-overprint-stroke
        - true / false
    - data-overprint-fill
        - true / false
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