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The Settings menu allows for functional and visual configurations (for the editor and ClosedShop) to be adjusted, as well as editing overarching features.

For systems with multiple clients, the dropdown menu 'Select Client' (top right) allows switching between settings for individual clients. (To customize specific clients, first deactivate the checkbox 'Use default configuration.')




x These fields can be adjusted for each template in the respective configuration.






Select which language(s) should be available to the system/client(s). Additional language settings



Sender's address and name


Host, Port, Encryption, User, Password


Selection of colors (via color picker or hexadecimal values) for emails from the system (e.g., password reset)


Upload the desired logos for Shop, Login/Email, Editor, and Favicon

PDF Creation

Settings for the preview PDF: Enable watermark, define; password protection


General: Activation of preflight and selection of a preflight provider.
Media Preflight: Activation and selection of the preflight check for PDF uploads in the editor (when this checkbox is enabled, a preflight is conducted every time a PDF file is uploaded in any template)


System media search: Selection of whether categories or tags are displayed. Media provider translations: Adjustment of the wording


Selection of allowed file formats that can be uploaded into the editor (PDF, EPS, JPG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WEBP, GIF)

Media Provider Translations

If image databases are connected to the system, labels for the editor (Media sidebar) can be defined here


  • Hide prohibited menu entries

  • Send notifications via email as well

  • Disable template versioning

  • Hide custom attributes in the Template-Grid (by default, all custom attributes are displayed in the respective menu overview; in systems with many attributes, this can quickly become confusing, so there's an option to hide all attributes at once instead of individually selecting them in the grid settings)

Page Planning

Configuration of the product feed and controlsx

Generate CSV export of placed products for print production

If this checkbox is active, the products placed in a draft with page planning can be exported as a CSV file in the Draft menu. (This file can also be transferred via the producer.)

Product-Feed Type generic

  • Productfeed Type: generic

  • Feed mapping for classic page planning (selecting a standard mapping for feeds created via API)

  • Select Media source

  • Transfer changes made to the product into the feed (the system's stored feed will be overwritten, and the adjustments will be applied to new drafts or products not yet placed in existing drafts)

  • Update changes to local products across drafts

Product-Feed Type configurable

The 'configurable' type allows for creating a dynamic (API) feed and, for instance, adding an ERP as an external platform. Here, the URL is entered, and the media source is selected

Visibility of controls (individual buttons for display in the editor).

Also see Feed

  • Product Search: Display of the default search field (if this checkbox is deactivated, the standard search field is hidden; however, if additional search fields are created in the feed mapping, they will remain visible, see also search options).

  • Show Placed Products Separately: Only the products already placed in the editor are displayed in the Products menu (a slider can also limit the display to the current page).

  • Compare Products with Original Data: If adjustments to a product's content were made in the editor (via 'Edit Product') or in the feed, the product will be marked in the 'Placed Products' view.

  • Add Product: A new product can be created in the editor.

  • Edit Product: Overwriting the content from the feed; the content is entered using form fields.

  • Automatically Fill Page: Using the 'Place Selection' button, all containers on a page can be automatically filled. The desired items can be filtered through the search, for instance, by article numbers. The contents are placed one after another in a container until it's full, then the next container is filled. This process continues until all containers on the page are full, which may result in products being duplicated within a template

  • Fill All Pages in the Template, Across Pages, as described above

  • Import Product CSV: Option to upload a new feed CSV file in the editor

  • Update Product Images: A specific feature, in conjunction with Crossmedia, that allows all images from the feed to be re-imported. This action deletes and rewrites the image references of the products, necessary, for instance, when image files in Crossmedia have been updated.

  • Product Content Exchange: By activating this menu in the sidebar (Start), container contents can be moved via drag and drop. The content of a replaced container is copied to the clipboard and can then be pasted into another container (previously activated by clicking) in the sidebar, using the plus symbol next to the preview. Rearranging content is also possible.
    In article templates that contain additional containers (containers within containers), the contents of the master containers can be swapped via drag and drop. This action includes all containers and products placed within the container

  • Update Local Copies: All content adjustments made in the feed are updated across all products

  • Lock DataKeys (Special Feature)




Activation of additional features

Specifics regarding the use of different image formats in the editor:

If PDFs are used as assets in the template, the inserted PDFs must have at least the same standard (including PDF 1.4 or higher compatibility) as the background PDF. (Ideally, the export settings of the background PDF should match those of the subsequently inserted PDFs; for instance, by providing a note about the export settings in the template.)

EPS files can generally only be loaded as assets in templates with a background PDF that has no standard or an X3 standard and a maximum compatibility of PDF 1.3. (Since the EPS file format has largely been replaced by the PDF format, EPS files in printformer are converted to a PDF without a standard.) We generally recommend refraining from using EPS files, as the format is considered outdated and is no longer supported by other applications (such as Microsoft Office).

SVG (RGB color space)
SVGs are to be placed as assets in the template, for the generation of print data (or the background PDF), a minimum compatibility of PDF 1.4 (X4) must be used. The color mapping allows for changing the color of individual elements of the SVG in the editor, and this feature can be turned off via a block setting.

WEBP (RGB color space)
WEBP files are converted to PNG files after uploading.

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