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The printformer editor offers user-friendly editing of templates in real time.
It can be individually configured in this settings menu.

In a system with multiple clients, you can switch between the settings of individual clients using the top dropdown menu. (To customize specific clients, the respective 'Use Standard Configuration' checkbox must first be deactivated.)

Logos und Colors




Settings > Logos > Editor logo



Settings > Logos > Favicon

Image-File (96x96 px)


Settings > Editor > Colors

Hexadecimal color value (RGB)


 Base (Menu bars)


Text and icons 2 (pop-ups)


Gradiation 1 (active Menu)


Accent color (continue button)


Gradiation 2 (pop-up Menu)


Accent color content (continue button)


Gradiation 3 (pop-up Editor)


Accent color 2 (Schmuckleiste)


Background editor


Editor controls (active Block border)


Text and icons (Menu)

Placeholdercolor (Text color in form editor for pre-defined Template DataKeys)

Settings > Editor > Notices and validation > Highlight editable elements


Color for highlighted elements


Additional Settings





x These fields can be adjusted for individual templates in their configuration.
*These settings can be overridden by the user in the editor.



Title - Prefix

Desired name in the browser


Decimal places in editor inputs

Displaying mm value in the editor (e.g., element size/position)


Show forbidden control elements in the editor

Non-selectable buttons are displayed (grayed out)


Undo / Redo

Show Undo and Redo buttons

Save draft on abort

Save edited template as a draft even if the editing is not completed (in the template configuration Editor > Toolbar, an additional Save button can be activated)

Ask users if they want to save when canceling

If this checkbox is enabled, an pop-up will appear when leaving the editor (the text for this can be adjusted in the language file)

Maximum file size for uploads in the editor (in MiB)

Maximum size for uploading assets in the editor

Maximum file size for uploads in the upload editor (in MiB)

Maximum size for uploading assets in the upload editor


Draft reset
Draft reset Button Text

Reset template to its initial state, customizable text


Use wide sidebarx

Use enlarged side menu (toolbar)

Show form editor fields per pagex

If a template with placeholders has multiple pages, only the fields of the selected page are displayed


Show/hide image placeholders

Button to toggle display of image placeholders

Show image placeholder by default

If this checkbox is deactivated, empty image blocks are displayed in the editor without a placeholder image

Columns in the sidebarx

Media, Pages, Article Templates, Page layout, Variants, Group templates

Here, the number of columns for each sidebar menu can be adjusted (thus defining the size of the thumbnails displayed there): 1-4 columns


Additionally, there's an option to choose a double-page view. In this view, the first and last pages are displayed individually in the column, while for all other pages, two pages are shown side by side

Article template / Containerx

Hide Article Templates overview in editor

Hide article template menu in the sidebar; useful when only one article template is available per container

Gray out already used article templates

Article templates that have already been placed into a container are displayed in the sidebar as grayed out

Tag filter mode

This determines whether the container can be filled with an article template if it contains only one of the given tags or if it must contain all tags

Display article templates based on content requirements per page

This determines all tags of the current page and pre-fills them as tag filtering. (This filter is not overwritten by selecting a category, for example).
If there is a container without content-requirements on the current page, no filtering is carried out (this means that the article templates menu is hidden when a page without a container is selected in the editor).

Highlight container on drag&drop

Behavior of the container when dragging an article template over it: either the outline or the surface of the container will be colored (highlighted)


Color on dragstart

Selection of the highlight color when choosing an article template


Color on dragover

Selection of the highlight color when placing an article template into the container


Show icon in container at start of drag

In addition to the color highlight of the container(s), an icon appears in the container. Note: the icon cannot be deactivated for GridContainer, as it indicates where the article templates can be placed

Container blacklist for catalog products

Comma-separated list of content requirements for containers that should not be highlighted during the drag and drop of article templates


Set sorting (alphabetically or by creation date)


Activate autosave, time setting (how many seconds between each save)

Notices and validation

Option to enable prompts, error messages (pop-ups), help buttons, and define them
(Information texts are highlighted with an orange frame, error texts in red)

Expand notifications sidebar on (the selected level includes the level below)

Here, you can choose whether a sidebar with hints should automatically expand (Never means that hints will only be displayed via a notification in the top bar)

Warning when closing the editor

If activated, a warning appears when the browser (or tab) is closed

Point to unvisited pages

If not all pages have been clicked through in the editor, a message appears. This can be freely defined.

Indicate unfilled containers

If not all containers in the editor have been filled with a product or article template, a message appears. This can be freely defined.

Indicate unloaded assets

Note if uploaded images have not yet been fully loaded into the editor. Text can be freely defined.

Error with
too low DPI
overset text
empty containers
missing personalization

These properties can be defined as errors, as a result of which the information text is highlighted in red. If the Leave editor despite error checkbox is not activated, the user can only continue to the preview after correcting the error.

Error with missing mandatory feed item identifiers

If mandatory products are defined for page planning, you can determine here whether not placing the products should appear as an error or a warning

Leave editor despite errors

If this checkbox is disabled, a preview/print PDF cannot be generated if the block content validations are not met


Highlight editable elements
Color for highlighted elements

Selection between never, always, and on hover color value in hexadecimal

Show help button

Activate info button in the top menu (editor)

URL to the external help page

Linked URL of the help button. By default, the system configuration has the target URL set to, which can be overridden here or in individual tenants


Determination of whether the preview must be released, incl. texts for confirmation label and message


Confirm preview

To be able to complete the order, the preview must be enabled via the checkbox.


Preview confirmation Label

Text input for the confirmation label


Confirmation message

Text input for pop-up if confirmation label has not been activated


Enable preview download

When deactivated, the download button in the sidebar is hidden (however, the download option via the PDF viewer cannot be removed)

File name

Possibility to define the file name (e.g. using DataKeys) (e.g. a timestamp ${pf-util-date d-m-Y_H-i-s PT0M Europe/Berlin} can be inserted)

Show draft validation messages

Only possible with the Draft Validator feature

Toolbar Buttons (above Menu bar)

Free choice of text for the buttons Return to store, Continue to preview, Return to editor, Finalize design

Sidebar Buttons (side Menu bar)

Free choice of text for the buttons on the side menu bar

If the template (or a page within the template) consists solely of placeholders that can be filled using the form editor (without editable blocks), the Edit button is automatically hidden.


Rulers & Guidesx
Magnetic lines*

Activate rulers and auxiliary lines (if magnetic auxiliary lines are activated, objects will dock to these lines as soon as they are dragged within the threshold value)


Display grid and settings


Free choice of texts to be displayed during general or loading of the template

Block restrictions
Block settings
Block attributes

Block restrictions, BlockSettingPresets and Block attributes can be defined here across systems or clients.


Selection of the default editor UI (at system or client level)


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.