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Login Page

In this menu, you can easily customize the login page for printformer Closed Shop according to your individual requirements.



Settings > Login


Setting whether and after how many days the password must be reset


Selection of colors for the login field (via color picker or hexadecimal values)


You can upload your own image for the login to the ClosedShop.

Additional text

Here you can define whether an additional headline or info text should be displayed and enter it (the colors of the texts are adjusted via the Colors submenu).



Settings > Logos


The file to be displayed as the logo on the login page is uploaded under Login/E-Mail Logo.


Currently, the background image cannot be set at client level (only general), the implementation to customise the background per client will follow.

info: The login page for the admin area ( cannot be customized.
The release notes are displayed below the login fields.

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