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3D visualisation

The printformer editor offers a real-time 3D view that allows the user to visualise and design at the same time. The 3D preview can be resized, freely positioned within the browser or displayed as a split screen.


An x3dom model (file format .x3d or .glb (GLTF)) of the product is required for configuration in printformer.

This is uploaded/selected under Template. A Contour SVG may be required to define a clipping path for the area of the template that will later be placed on the 3D model or to display overlays.

The 3D view must be activated under Editor, the other display settings are optional.





Show 3D model

Activates the 3D view in the editor.

Show 3D model in split screen mode

The 3D view is automatically displayed when the template is opened in the editor. If this checkbox is not activated, the view can only be opened via the 3D tab and no simultaneous design is possible.

Show Overlays and highlights in 3D model

The Overlays layer of the Contour SVG and highlights (marking of the element currently selected in the editor) are also visible in the 3D model.

No zoom controls in the 3D preview

This allows the control elements (play/pause; reset view, zoom) to be hidden.
Note: To use this function, the navigation info tag must be present in the 3D model.

Do not simulate paper color in 3D model

The elements of the template are projected directly onto the 3D model (without the white background area of the template format).

Additional Functions for
GLB Files


Animation Start

Automatisch (Automatic, when entering the editor)
Durch Klick (Klick play button below the 3D model)

Animations Loop

Wiederholen: repeat: Animation starts at 0, plays through, and restarts at 0.
Einmalig: Animation plays from start to end only once.
PingPong: Animation starts at 0, plays through, then reverses back to 0 and repeats

Tone Mapping

  • Linear: Scales HDR values to the displayable range without complex adjustments.

  • Reinhard: Soft brightness adjustment, prevents overexposure but may reduce contrast.

  • Cineon: Based on film log profiles, with smooth transitions and good color control.

  • ACESFilmic: Simulates a film look with smooth transitions and realistic colors.

  • AgX: Modern tone mapping with natural color reproduction, smooth transitions, and better contrast than Filmic.


Exposure controls image brightness: Higher values make it brighter, lower values darker, similar to camera exposure.

Camera Perspective

GLB files can include an additional camera perspective, displayed in the editor. Selection is made via a drop-down menu below the 3D view. These camera perspectives are non-interactive.

Information on preparing the 3D model can be found in the tutorial.

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