Shopify EN
Willkommen in Ihrem Dokumentationsbereich! Wir haben einige Vorschläge und Platzhalter hinzugefügt. Alles ist anpassbar. Erste Schritte mit Seitenvorlagen: V...
Shopify EN - Getting started
Hier einige Tipps für die ersten Schritte. Sie können diese Seite zum Üben bearbeiten 1. Erstellen einer Seite Klicken Sie auf "Erstellen" und wählen Sie "Le...
This documentation describes the Shopify Printformer app and includes useful tips for using the app. The purpose of this app is to integrate the Web2Print ed...
The settings for the Shopify app are located under the menu item "Settings." API Credentials To link the printformer with Shopify, you need to store the API ...
In the dashboard, you will find an overview of the print data generated through your Shopify shop.
After you have entered your API data in the settings (Settings | API-Credentials ), you can synchronize your created printformer templates with the shop here...
All Shopify products linked with a printformer template are listed here. You can create a new link via "Add Product." First, select a Shopify product: Afterw...
Under "Orders," you will find all Shopify orders that contain a print file. By clicking on the eye icon, you can view the details of an order and download th...
Product Options
Using Product Options, you can represent complex product configurations in Shopify that are not possible with Shopify's standard features. The overview conta...