Printformer Extension - General
Under the section “General” the user can set up basic settings for the Printformer Extension:

Status when the print data should be generated

The user can pick one of multiple statuses from a dropdown-menu. The picked option sets the status at which the Extension generates the print-files for a given product.
Additional statuses can be set up by the user, but the standard status for print-file generation is “Pending”.
Redirect the user after the editor

The user can pick on of three options from a dropdown. The selected option refers to the section of the shop-page the user gets redirected to after finishing a draft in the editor.
The standard option for this setting is “Product Page”.
Show delete draft button

This option sets up a button to delete a draft for a give product on the product page.
The default setting for this is “no”..
Redirect to product detail page after cancel

If this setting is set to “Yes”, the user gets redirected to the product page after canceling a draft.
Allow add to cart without printformer design

If this setting is set to “Yes”, the user is able to put a given product in the cart even without creating a draft for it.
Upload template identifier

The user can specify a template identifier of an existing printformer template they want to use for their products.
Open editor in…

The user can pick from three options to set up in what manner the online editor is being opened. The three options are: a Lightbox, in Fullscreen or inside the Shop Frame.
Enable Fullscreen on Shop Frame

By setting this option to “yes” the online editor is enabled to be opened in Fullscreen-mode in the shop-frame. This option is not available, when picking “Fullscreen” under “Open editor in…”.
Wishlist Hint Text for Guest Users

The user can specify a notice that shows up, when a guest user attempts to add a product to a wishlist.
Edit text in cart

The user can specify the text for the edit button on the product page by setting it up in this input-field.
Printfile expiration date

This value specifies how long print-files are available for editing. The default length is 30 days, after which the print-files are deleted.
Replace Product Image with Preview

By activating this function the product picture is replaced by the preview from the online-editor.
New input fields are then generated in order to setup the height and width of both the preview image and it’s thumbnail:

Design Button Text

The user can specify the text that shows up on the button that opens the online-editor.
Design Button Css

The user can specify a CSS-class that’s being added the button inside the shop pages DOM.
Delete confirm text

The text specified in this input-field shows up when a draft is being deleted.
Activate Product Feed for Products

Transfer user data to printformer

Use Configurable Product filter to get Printformer Products

By setting this option to “Yes”, the parent product transfers it’s assigned template to all child products associated with it. By setting it to “No”, all child products can be assigned their own individual template.
Use Template assigned to Product in All Store Views Scope as Default Template

Save draft on wishlist

By setting this option to “Yes”, the user can save drafts from the online editor in his wishlist.